We have listed below some documents which will help you in your application:
- The BKCU MARP (Mortgage Arrears Resolution Booklet). This outlines the process for members who may find themselves in repayment difficulty;
- The SFS (Standard Financial Statement). This form will give us a full picture of your current household income and expenditure;
- Central Bank of Ireland’s guide to completing the SFS. This guide has been published by the Central Bank of Ireland and should be used in conjunction with the BKCU Ireland guide when completing your Standard Financial Statement.
The most important thing should you find yourself in Home Loan arrears or fear you may fall into arrears, is to contact us immediately so we can work together to find a suitable arrangement.
Useful websites:
- MABS (Money Advice & Budgeting Service) contains information on Home Loan Arrears: www.mabs.ie
- The Insolvency Service of Ireland provides information to borrowers on the process under the Personal Insolvency Act, 2012: www.isi.gov.ie
- Central Bank of Ireland’s guide to completing the SFS. This guide has been published by the Central Bank of Ireland and should be used in conjunction with the Ballyshannon & Killybegs Credit Union ltd guide when completing your Standard Financial Statement.
- Citizens Information www.citizensinformation.ie